Scandinavian floors
In our offer you will find high-quality Swedish wooden floors. The raw material used for the production of boards comes from the northern part of Sweden, where tree growth is much slower than in the rest of Europe. Thanks to this, the structure of the wood is denser, which gives the manufactured products correspondingly greater hardness and durability.

Planed and profiled softwood products with high dimensional accuracy

- Constant high quality
- High dimensional accuracy thanks to modern planing lines
- Packed in a mini-package or in a heat-shrinkable package
- Also connected in lengthi
Sample projects

Contact Us
ul. Wrocławska 2c
55-002 Dobrzykowice
k. Wrocławia

DrewPartner Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wrocławska 2c
55-002 Dobrzykowice
NIP PL8961569194 REGON 368486575 KRS 0000698512
Opening hours
MON - THUR 8:00 - 16:30
FR 8:00 - 14:00
Bank account numbers
PLN: 51 1750 1064 0000 0000 3853 7148
EUR: PL73 1750 1064 0000 0000 3853 7334