Wood chemicals
We offer a wide range of professional wood protection products along with changing its color according to your preferences.

Professional products for painting and protecting wood

- intense protection
- deep impregnation
- easy application
- environmentally friendly
- resistant to weather conditions
- emphasizes the natural beauty of wood
- provides high protection against biodegradation in a system with technical impregnation

Koopmans products
Check out Koopmans Paints products:
- wood oils
- wood impregnations
- varnish stains
- varnishes
- waxes
- flexible acrylic putty
High-quality Koopmans wood products
Remmers products
Discover the Remmers products:
- oils
- glazes
- impregnaty
- wood cleaners
- wood deodorizers

Contact Us
ul. Wrocławska 2c
55-002 Dobrzykowice
k. Wrocławia

DrewPartner Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wrocławska 2c
55-002 Dobrzykowice
NIP PL8961569194 REGON 368486575 KRS 0000698512
Opening hours
MON - THUR 8:00 - 16:30
FR 8:00 - 14:00
Bank account numbers
PLN: 51 1750 1064 0000 0000 3853 7148
EUR: PL73 1750 1064 0000 0000 3853 7334